How To Practice Self Love With Junius This Valentines Day
It’s Valentine’s Day, meaning that your social media feeds are probably awash with flowers, chocolates, champagne, and all the terrible poetry you can shake a stick at. While these are all great, we thought we’d do something a little bit different and show you how you can love yourself. Self care is just as important as the care we show to others, and during these interesting times, it’s vital that we continue to nourish our whole body.
The past two years have been immensely difficult for many of us, and adjusting to the ‘new normal’ has taken some getting used to. We may need to support our immune systems, which may be struggling to adjust back to office life, plus our energy levels have taken a dip from commuting each day, and no amount of yoga is going to stop us feeling run down, washed out and just a bit blah.
Food isn't just Fuel
What you eat and drink can play a significant role in your body’s ability to feel well, be well and heal well. Food is information, it’s messaging and fuel for your cells – instructing them on how to behave, find balance and thrive.

The 3 macro (big) nutrients are well understood in today’s society, these are protein, fat and carbohydrates, and many people are aware of how to get a good balance of all 3 on their plate. However, what’s commonly overlooked are the micro (smaller) nutrients. These are the nutrients (vitamins and minerals, found in abundance in naturally colourful plants (phytonutrients)) needed in smaller amounts than the 3 macronutrients, but which are just as important for feeding the roots of health, protecting against against chronic lifestyle diseases such diabetes, high blood pressure and low mood.
Taking control of your health, the Junius way
A 2015 Global Health & Wellness survey by data and market measurement firm Nielsen found that 79% of global consumers are actively making dietary choices to prevent a wide range of health conditions. At Junius we offer a wide range of delicious and nutritious cold-pressed drinks for people who want to take control of their own health. We've divided our wellbeing goals into seven colour-coded pillars which allow you to nourish your body every day in a personalised way, by choosing the range that matches your unique goals on any given day or time. For example if your health goal today is to cleanse your cells, choose from our SPA drinks which contains Kale, Broccoli and Parsley) and if tomorrow it’s to boost your immune defences you would choose ZAP, featuring carrots and zingy ginger.

From Us To You
Valentine’s Day and chocolate is the ultimate combination! So, as our gift to you this February 14th, we’re offering 15% off our REV drinks with the code LOVE15. Packed full of delicious Cacao, Banana, and Chilli, it doesn’t just taste amazing, but it will make your metabolism feel pretty sweet too. ❤️