Spring Detox & Renewal: Natural Ways to Cleanse & Rejuvenate Your Body
As we move into March and the days grow longer, nature begins to bloom and if you’re anything like us, you naturally start to crave a sense of renewal. Just as we spring clean our homes, this long awaited new season gives us the perfect opportunity to refresh our bodies and reset our health. A gentle, natural detox can help eliminate toxins, support digestion, and boost energy levels, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and more vibrant.
In this blog post, we’ll explore how to support your body’s natural detoxification pathways with liver-loving herbs and nutrients, cleansing foods, and simple daily rituals to help you step into spring feeling your best.
Why Spring is the Perfect Time for a Detox
Winter tends to be a time of heavier foods, less movement, and indoor living, which can leave us feeling sluggish by the time spring arrives. A gentle detox supports our natural ability to eliminate waste and can help to boost energy and mood, improve sleep and improve digestion.
Signs Your Body May Need a Detox:
You’re feeling fatigued or sluggish
You’re experiencing digestive issues such as bloating or constipation
You’re experiencing brain fog or lack of focus
You having headaches
Your skin is breaking out or your complexion is dull
You’re having heavy periods and mood swings and or breast tenderness around your period
You’re having sugar cravings and difficulty maintaining balanced energy
The True Meaning of “Detox”
Contrary to popular belief, detoxing isn’t about extreme fasting or surviving on green juices alone. True detoxification is your body’s natural process of eliminating toxins, and it requires specific nutrients to support key detox pathways. Without these essential cofactors, your body can’t efficiently remove harmful substances.
Rather than drastic cleanses, what your body really needs is a nourishing, food-based approach that gently supports your organs and enhances overall well-being.

Understanding Detoxification
The CYP450 enzymes (Cytochrome P450 enzymes) are a superfamily of enzymes primarily found in the liver that play a crucial role in the detoxification of toxins, used hormones such as oestrogen, drugs, and all metabolic waste. They are involved in Phase 1 detoxification, which is the first step in the liver's multi-phase detox process.
In Phase 1 Detoxification, the CYP450 enzymes chemically modify toxins, making them more water-soluble so they can be further processed. They achieve this by adding or exposing functional groups (e.g., hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl (-COOH)), which involves oxidation, reduction, or hydrolysis reactions. After Phase 1, the modified toxins enter Phase 2 detox, where they are conjugated (linked) to molecules like glutathione, sulphate, or glucuronide. This process allows for safe elimination of the toxins via urine or bile and then stool.
This multistep detoxification process in the liver is occurring 24/7, 365 days a year. And it needs to be supported 24/7, 365 years too :)
Key Nutrients To Support Phase 1 and 2 Liver Detox Pathways
Each phase requires different cofactors and nutrients to ensure optimal function.
Key nutrients for Phase 1 include B Vitamins, particularly, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), B6 and Folate but all of the B vitamins play a role. Magnesium, vitamin C, glutathione, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), and phytochemicals including flavonoids and polyphenols found in foods like citrus fruits, berries, and green tea, and colourful (red, yellow, purple, orange, brown, white, green) vegetables and herbs.
Key Nutrients for Phase 2 include glutathione, amino acids (protein foods), sulphur-containing compounds, Folate, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6, taurine and Glucuronic Acid.
Foods Sources
Glutathione and sulphur-containing compounds: garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, watercress, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), and eggs.
Amino Acids: high-quality protein sources like meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), fish, eggs, and legumes.
Folate: Leafy greens, legumes, and citrus fruits.
B12: High quality animal products like meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), liver (beef or chicken), fish, eggs, and dairy.
B6: Poultry (chicken, turkey), liver (beef or chicken), fish, nuts and seeds, chickpeas, avocados.
Taurine: High quality animal proteins especially shellfish, fish, and turkey.
Glucuronic Acid: apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
So, by consuming a balanced diet rich in whole foods, especially cruciferous vegetables, garlic, berries, and protein-rich foods, you can help enhance liver detoxification and promote overall health.
Liver-Supporting Herbs for Natural Detox
Once you have a steady intake of the key cofactor nutrients needed for the detoxification process to occur, supporting liver function with herbs can optimise its ability to cleanse and rejuvenate your system. Here are some of the best ones to include:
Milk Thistle: Thanks to its powerful antioxidant active ingredient silymarin, milk thistle helps protect liver cells and supports detoxification.
Dandelion Root: A natural diuretic, dandelion root aids digestion and promotes bile production, which helps break down fats and eliminate toxins.
Burdock Root: Traditionally used to purify the blood, burdock root helps remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
Turmeric: Thanks to its active compound curcumin, turmeric fights inflammation and supports liver function.
Start to incorporate these herbs into your weekly routine through teas, adding them into soups, salads and stir fries, or as tinctures or capsule supplements to gently enhance your body's cleansing process.
Simple Daily Detox Rituals
Incorporating small, intentional practices into your daily routine can support the body’s cleansing process and promote long-term health.
1) Start Your Day with Warm Lemon Water
Drinking warm water with fresh lemon first thing in the morning helps stimulate digestion, flush out toxins, and hydrate the body after sleep.
2) Try Dry Skin Brushing
Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps move toxins around and out of the body.
3) Drink Detoxifying Herbal Teas
Herbs like dandelion, nettle, and ginger support the liver and kidneys while also promoting digestion. Swap your usual caffeinated drinks for herbal teas to gently support detoxification.
4) Drink Junius Juices
Incorporate Junius juices into your routine with a different one of our four phytonutrient-rich drinks each day alongside a meal or as part of a snack. Order straight to your door (UK wide) here.
5) Practice Breath work & Gentle Movement
Deep breathing and gentle exercises like yoga, stretching, or walking can stimulate circulation and help the body release stored toxins. Movement is essential for keeping the lymphatic system flowing.
Final Tips for a Sustainable And Effective Spring Cleanse
A detox shouldn’t be a one-time event but rather a year round practice where you incorporate some or all of these tips and habits into your daily and weekly routine. Here are some final tips to maintain a gentle and effective cleanse all year round:
Eat well balanced, nutritious meals three times a day. A balanced meal is one that contains at least 30g of pure protein, a small portion of a complex, fibre-rich carbohydrate, one or two portions of healthy fats, and plenty of colourful vegetables including salad vegetables, legumes, and herbs.
Hydrate well - Drink plenty of clean water and herbal teas to support elimination.
Reduce ultra processed foods such as processed breakfast cereals, cakes, pastries, doughnuts and biscuits, breakfast bars and granola bars, margarines, and crisps.
Prioritise rest and sleep - Sleep is essential for detoxification, as the body repairs and regenerates overnight.
By embracing a gentle and holistic approach to detoxing, you can step into spring feeling lighter, clearer, and more energised. Honour rest, sleep, and hydration, and nourish yourself with nutritious whole foods, and enjoy the refreshing benefits!