Healthy hamper ideas for creating the perfect healthy Christmas hamper
Sometimes it can feel boring giving the same old gifts out each year, which is why creating a healthy Christmas Gift hamper can make a refreshing, unique and personalised Christmas gift idea for your friends and loved ones. We’ve put this blog together to give you some ideas and inspiration for healthy items that you could include. Typically, Christmas hampers include a mix of longer life products and fresh products, which makes them perfect for spoiling people with an array of different items to enjoy. The other typical feature of Christmas hampers is high sugar items and alcohol, however with a healthy Christmas gift hamper you can still provide a sense of excitement, surprise and Christmas cheer but with the added benefit of goods that support natural health during the season and into the New Year.
Everybody loves the sense of surprise and excitement at Christmas and a hamper is a great opportunity to provide loved ones with many little gifts within one big one. Pack with healthy items and you can provide the perfect healthy gift. Here are some of our favourite foods and products to include in your hampers and most importantly, the reasons why.
Here are some of our favourite healthy gift items for Christmas hamper ideas but these items can be great for the festive season and all year round!
Perhaps you have a friend or family member who is health conscious and enjoys eating nutritious foods and so a natural health gift would be perfect for them. You could include things you know they already enjoy plus add some new items for them to try so you cover both the element of joy and surprise. People love receiving a gift in a handy reusable container such as a basket, which can then be used for all sorts of things from storage to laundry!
Nuts make a great addition to any healthy Christmas Gift hamper (so long as the recipient does not have a nut allergy) but the key when it comes to healthier nuts is that they are unroasted and unsalted, so natural nuts are the best choice here. Some of our favourites in terms of taste and nutrition include:
Walnuts – walnuts are great because they are a vegan source of omega 3 fatty acids (alpha linoleic acid), which are helpful for heart, brain and eye health, managing inflammation and improving hormone balance. Walnuts are also packed with nutrients such as manganese, copper, magnesium, B6, and folate.
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats and are a great source of fibre, calcium and vitamin E, a helpful antioxidant.
Macadamia nuts are rich in monounsaturated fat and healthy saturated fatty acids, manganese, thiamine and copper.
Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium and even just 3 brazil nuts per day can provide you totally daily selenium requirement! Plus, they contain a good mix of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Cashews are rich in vitamin K, magnesium, iron, copper and selenium plus the same good fats as the other here.
Many nuts are high in vitamins A, B, and E, plus folate, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. This means that most nuts support your natural health in various ways such as skin, heart, hair, cognition and energy. Eating a variety of nuts gives you the most benefits.
Nut butters are also a great healthy hamper idea and last a little longer - just look for ones that contain ONLY the nut and no added sugar or other ingredients. Great choices are almond, cashew or hazelnut butters and we like brands such as Meridian and Biona.
Junius juices are great for your Christmas hamper ideas but just note that these should be kept chilled. Place your order and we will deliver our items straight to your door, making Junius juices the perfect last-minute addition to your beautiful hamper. Junius juices are a great way to bump up the nutrients to support gut and liver health both over the festive season and beyond...
Our Christmas hamper gift suggestions would be...
A selection of herbal teas from brands such as Pukka Teas, Yogi Teas and Tea Pigs are a great way to add fun and surprise to your hamper and provide different benefits such as teas for sleep, stress relief and relaxation. Whether for something to warm you up or cool you down herbal teas can be used all year-round and make a delicious beverage at any temperature.

Extra virgin olive oil is a must for a healthy hamper as it is rich in cholesterol-friendly monounsaturated fats, oleic acid and vitamin E.
Coconut oil – for skin, cooking, smoothies, porridge – healthy fats (saturated and medium chain triglycerides).
MCT oil stands from medium-chain triglycerides and is most commonly extracted from coconut oil. MCT oil can be a great source of energy for the brain as well as being heart health protective.
Pumpkin and sunflower seeds make great toppers for salads and stir fries, adding nutrients such as vitamin E, zinc, copper and magnesium and beneficial fats into the diet. They can also be ground and added into smoothies, soups and porridge, or left whole for added crunch.
Olives are rich in antioxidants, oleic acid, vitamins E and A, fibre and other healthy fats. They are a great addition to any snack spread and go well with nuts too!
Dark chocolate, who doesn’t love chocolate! Including chocolate that’s 70% and above is a healthier way to consume this delicious hamper addition and there are so many brands out there today all creating delicious options. We love brands like Lindt, Green & Blacks, Divine, Seed & Bean, Montezuma and Ombar.
Oatcakes make a quick healthy festive snack option and can be topped with things like nut butter, cottage cheese, smoked salmon.
Immune supporting
Natural candles
Festive clementine’s
Natural skin care such as facial oils, hand wash, lip balms and masks
Small house plant or potted herbs with a festive ribbon
We really hope these ideas help you build the perfect healthy Christmas gift hamper for a health-conscious friend or loved one. Add your own personal touch by filling your gift with other items you know they absolutely love.
Spread the seasonal joy by filling your gift hamper with lots of little items that can be used for months or across the year, plus that you know they will actually like and find useful is always going to be a well-received gift.
We hope we’ve given you plenty of ideas along with empowering insight as to WHY these products are the perfect addition to an indulgent Christmas gift hamper.
Enjoy building your hampers!